
St. Louis, MO

Find alternatives to calling the St. Louis Police Department.

Typically, people call the police because they are experiencing or perceive an emergency and need immediate assistance. In order to provide the most effective alternatives to calling the police or 911, unless otherwise indicated, the resources included here are limited to those that offer immediate assistance through emergency or crisis services.

These resources may be obligated to call police in the case of an immediate risk of harm to the caller or another, child abuse, or abuse of a vulnerable adult. Where we know or suspect that a resource may work in cooperation with law enforcement or involve them beyond what is required by law, we acknowledge that in the listing.

These resources are not intended to cover all situations, only to provide the services described. If you are in danger of immediate harm and feel safe doing so, call 911.


  • Annie Malone*
    • Provides a safe 24 hour environment for children birth to 18 with intervention measures to immediately alleviate crisis by providing emergency shelter, food, clothing, educational needs, conflict resolution, emergency medical attention, counseling referrals, to prevent child abuse and neglect.
    • 1 (844) 803-7233 (24-Hour)
    • *Please note trans* youth will be housed based on sex assigned at birth.
  • Circle of Concern Food Pantry
    • Clients “shop” for supply of wholesome foods, including milk, eggs, cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables, bakery items, frozen meats and canned goods. Personal care items such as toilet tissue, soap and toiletries are included, as assistance programs like SNAP, also known as food stamps, don’t cover such daily essentials.
    • Curbside service Wednesdays and Fridays.
    • 112 St. Louis Avenue, Valley Park, MO 63088
  • Crisis Nursery St. Louis
    • Free and voluntary emergency shelter for youth, birth through age 12, whose families face an emergency caused by illness, homelessness, domestic violence or overwhelming parental stress.
    • St. Louis: (314) 768-3201
    • St. Charles: (636) 947-0600
  • Grace’s Place Crisis Nursery
    • A licensed emergency shelter, for children ages birth to 18 years old, who can receive care when their family is encountering any situation which could lead to loss of employment, loss of shelter or a child’s basic needs going unmet – in addition to any situation that could potentially lead to a child being abused and/or neglected. Crisis and respite care, case management, and mobile counseling.
    • (636) 432-1313
  • Homeless Helpline*
    • The Hotline is a centralized intake and referral system. The caller is interviewed by an intake specialist, and if in crisis, is referred to either emergency shelter or rent/mortgage/utility assistance. 24/7 Centralized intake and referral system.
    • (314) 802-5444
    • *Please note this is a government service.


  • Rainbow Youth Hotline
    • 24 hours Missouri hotline for youth between 15 and 24 who are struggling with suicide, depression, sexual orientation, gender identity and other issues. Others who are interested in supporting LGBTQ youth, such as parents, teachers, counselors, and friends are also encouraged to call.
    • 1 (877) LGBT-YTH (1 (877) 542-8984)
  • St. Louis Queer+ Support Helpline (SQSH)*
    • LGBTQIA+ peer support helpline serving the Greater St. Louis area. Call in anytime on Friday – Monday between 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM to access free, confidential, and identity-affirming peer support.
    • (314) 380-7774
    • Toll free: (844) 785-7774
    • *Please note this resource is NOT for emergency services

Mental Health

  • Behavioral Health Services, St. Louis
    • Barrier-free behavioral health services, 24/7
    • (314) 469-6644 or 1 (800) 811-4760
    • TTY: (314) 469-3638
  • Behavioral Health Services – Youth
    • 24/7 Mental Health Helpline for youth and teens
  • NAMI St. Louis Helpline
    • (314) 962-4670

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

  • ALIVE (Alternatives to Living In Violent Environments)
    • (314) 993-2777 (24-Hour Crisis Hotline)
    • (636) 583- 5700 (Franklin County)
    • Toll free: 1 (800) 941-9144
  • AWARE – A program of Barnes Jewish Hospital
  • Friends of Kathy J. Weinman
    • Domestic violence shelter. Shelter services are provided to women with or without children in a community living environment. Each family works with a team of trained professionals who help determine goals and develop safety plans for the family. Offers confidential shelter, crisis intervention, individual, group and/or family therapy, mentoring, education, and housing assistance. 
    • (314) 423-1117
  • Life Source Consultants
    • Crisis helpline and intervention for victims and survivors of physical, mental, verbal, emotional, sexual abuse, rape or incest to increase their physical and emotional safety (safety planning, community resources/referrals, available legal services, etc.). Emergency legal advocacy such as restraining orders.
    • (314) 524-0686
  • Safe Connections
    • 24-Hour Crisis Helpline for adults and youth of all genders who have experienced rape, domestic or dating abuse (physical, sexual or emotional), sex trafficking, and/or childhood sexual abuse. Over-the-phone interpreters to translate more than 140 languages available.
    • (314) 531-2003
    • TTY: 711
  • St. Marthas
    • Safe and confidential shelter services for abused women 18 years of age and older and their children. Food, clothing, school supplies, and voicemail access. Immediate crisis counseling to battered women through their hotline, which operates 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
    • (314) 533-1313
  • YWCA Women’s Resource Center
    • DV-SART (Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Response Team) volunteers provide support, information and resources to rape victims in local hospital emergency departments 24-hours a day, seven days a week, serving more than 400 victims each year. Therapy, support groups, and case managements services free of charge for people age 14 and over.
    • (314) 531-RAPE (7273) (24-Hour sexual assault crisis hotline)
    • (314) 645-4848 (non-crisis)


Please note, people answering these calls may be mandatory reporters, and required to make a report to CPS or law enforcement in certain situations. Learn about local mandatory reporter laws here.

  • Annie Malone*
    • provides a safe 24 hour environment for children birth to 18 with intervention measures to immediately alleviate crisis by providing emergency shelter, food, clothing, educational needs, conflict resolution, emergency medical attention, counseling referrals, to prevent child abuse and neglect.
    • 1 (844) 803-7233 (24-Hour)
    • *Please note trans* youth will be housed based on sex assigned at birth.
  • Crisis Nursery St. Louis
    • Free and voluntary emergency shelter for youth, birth through age 12, whose families face an emergency caused by illness, homelessness, domestic violence or overwhelming parental stress.
    • St. Louis: (314) 768-3201
    • St. Charles: (636) 947-0600
  • Franklin County Youth Connection Hotline
    • 1 (844) 846-2501 (Call or Text)
  • Grace’s Place Crisis Nursery
    • A licensed emergency shelter, for children ages birth to 18 years old, who can receive care when their family is encountering any situation which could lead to loss of employment, loss of shelter or a child’s basic needs going unmet – in addition to any situation that could potentially lead to a child being abused and/or neglected. Crisis and respite care, case management, and mobile counseling.
    • (636) 432-1313
  • Kids Under Twenty-One
    • KUTO is dedicated to providing youth-focused programming throughout the greater St. Louis area. Crisis prevention, suicide intervention and postvention support. Youth-staffed crisis hotline available after 4 p.m. CT
    • 1 (888) 644-5886
  • Missouri Child Abuse Hotline*
    • The Children’s Division Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline (CA/NHU) is a toll-free telephone line which is answered seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
    • 1 (800) 392-3738
    • Outside MO: (573) 751-3448
    • Text: 1 (800) 669-8689
    • *Please note this is a State program through the Department of Social Services
  • Rainbow Youth Hotline
    • 24 hours Missouri hotline for youth between 15 and 24 who are struggling with suicide, depression, sexual orientation, gender identity and other issues. Others who are interested in supporting LGBTQ youth, such as parents, teachers, counselors, and friends are also encouraged to call.
    • 1 (877) LGBT-YTH (1 (877) 542-8984)
  • Youth Connection Helpline
    • Helplines for youth and teens experiencing a crisis. Collect calls are accepted, and professional staff are on-hand 24/7.
    • (636) 946-3771 (St. Louis City)
    • (314) 628-2929 (St. Louis County)
    • (636) 642-0642 (St. Charles County)
  • Youth Emergency Services (YES)
    • The Youth Emergency Services shelter helps youth experiencing homelessness or family crisis to rebound by providing food, short term housing, and therapeutic services in a safe, nurturing environment. All services are free. Trans-affirming. Pregnant youth up to 26 weeks accepted.
    •  1 (800) 899-KIDS or (314) 727-6294 (24/7)
  • Youth In Need
    • Crisis intervention for children and families
    • (314) 819-8802 or 1 (844) 985-8282 or text BHEARD to 31658.
    • Phones answered 24/7


  • STL Village
    • A not-for-profit community network that helps people age 50 and older stay in their own homes with 24/7 phone/Internet access to a full range of activities and support services. Membership-based. Open to individuals age 50+.
    • (314) 240-5020 (office – 24/7 support network comes with membership)


  • Legal Services of Eastern Missouri
    • Provides free civil legal assistance, advice and information for low-income people and the elderly in 21 eastern Missouri counties. Clients must meet financial eligibility based on household incomes or meet other qualifications for consultation or representation. Information and training services are free and open to the public. Interpreters are available for the hearing impaired and accessibility accommodations are available


  • Bridgeway Behavioral Health Services
    • Substance abuse treatment – detox, men’s and women’s residential treatment, and sober living community
    • (866) 758-1152

Please consider using these alternatives to calling the St. Louis Police Department or 911 when faced with a situation that calls for de-escalation and/or intervention.

We have tried to indicate where police or law enforcement may work with the alternative resources listed; please let us know if you have any concerns about these resources.

Reimagine public safety. Don’t call the police.

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