
Philadelphia, PA

Find alternatives to calling the Philadelphia Police Department.

Don't Call The Police logo, a database of alternatives to the police

Typically, people call the police because they are experiencing or perceive an emergency and need immediate assistance. In order to provide the most effective alternatives to calling the police or 911, unless otherwise indicated, the resources included here are limited to those that offer immediate assistance through emergency or crisis services.

These resources may be obligated to call police in the case of an immediate risk of harm to the caller or another, child abuse, or abuse of a vulnerable adult. Where we know or suspect that a resource may work in cooperation with law enforcement or involve them beyond what is required by law, we acknowledge that in the listing.

These resources are not intended to cover all situations, only to provide the services described. If you are in danger of immediate harm and feel safe doing so, call 911.


  • Centralized Homeless Intake Services
    • Provides intake to system required for admittance into all city-run shelters on a walk-in basis. Includes an assessment of eligibility and service needs of persons and families presenting for placement into emergency housing. If eligible, persons and families are placed in appropriate emergency housing, boarding homes, or other alternative housing. Mental health assessments and referrals to drug/alcohol treatment, health services, children and youth services, legal services and veteran’s services, etc., are provided as needed.
    • Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.:
      • Appletree Family Center
      • 1430 Cherry Street
      • (215) 686-7150
    • Weekdays after 5 p.m., Weekends, & Holidays:
      • Families:
        • Salvation Army Red Shield Family Residence
        • 715 N. Broad Street
        • (215) 787-2887
      • Single Women:
        • House of Passage
        • 49th & Haverford Avenue (48th St. side entrance)
        • (215) 471-2017
      • Single Men:
        • Station House
        • 2601 N. Broad Street (rear entrance)
        • (215) 225-9230
  • Philadelphia Homeless Outreach Hotline
    • Homeless outreach hotline, connecting people experiencing homelessness or otherwise in need of housing with shelter. Phone touchpoint for entry into Coordinated Entry System.
    • (215) 232-1984 (24/7)
  • Project Home
    • Project HOME’s Hub of Hope drop-in center offers a safe place where people can enjoy a warm cup of coffee, take a shower and wash laundry, and speak to peers or case managers to begin the process of finding a permanent home. Their supportive housing programs offer permanent, subsidized housing for individuals and families who had been homeless. The clean-and-sober permanent supportive housing residence programs include recovery programming. Accessible units available.
    • Hub of Hope
      • 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Mon. – Fri.
      • 1401 Arch Street Lower Level, Suburban Station Concourse Philadelphia, PA 19102
      • (215) 309-5225
    • Main Office: (215) 232-7272 (24/7)


  • Mazzoni Center
    • A multi-service, community-based, health and social service provider aiming to advance the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) individuals. Provides services to the LGBTQ community including primary medical care, mental health counseling and substance abuse treatment services, legal services, HIV prevention & care.
    • 1348 Bainbridge Street Philadelphia, PA 19147
    • Main: (215) 563-0652
    • Medical: (215) 563-0658
    • Legal: (215) 563-0657
  • The Attic Youth Center
    • Creates opportunities for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth to develop into healthy, independent, civic-minded adults within a safe and supportive community, and promotes the acceptance of LGBTQ youth in society. Offers comprehensive risk counseling, HIV prevention, support groups, and case management for medical, legal and emergency services.
  • Valley Youth House – Pride Host Homes Program
    • Provide an LGBTQ+ young person ages 18-25 who is experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia with a safe, welcoming, and affirming private and dedicated space for 1-6 months. Place youth experiencing homelessness with vetted and caring adults – the hosts – who welcome the youth into their homes and provide shelter, food and mentorship while they work with their case manager to secure stable housing.
    • (215) 925-3180

Mental Health

  • CBH Referral Hotline
    • City program referring and connecting callers to services for inpatient or outpatient mental health services.
    • 1 (888) 545-2600 (24/7)
    • TTY: (888) 436-7482 (24/7)
  • NAMI Philadelphia Warmline
    • Talkline offering support to people experiencing mental health difficulties.
    • 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Mon. – Fri.
    • (267) 687-4381
  • Philadelphia Crisis Response Centers
  • Philadelphia Crisis Line (Formerly Mental Health Delegates)
    • A mental health crisis line operated by the County. This line can also send out Mobile Assessment Teams (MATs). These MATs will come to the caller’s location and assess the person who is in crisis. The MATs do not provide treatment on-site. If the MAT determines that the person needs treatment, they will transport them to the nearest CRC. If the person will not willingly go to the CRC, the police will be called to perform a “302,” or involuntary commitment.
    • (215) 685-6440 (24/7)

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

  • Women Against Abuse
    • 24-hour emergency safe havens provide free services to survivors of all gender identities and their children who are victims of domestic violence for up to 90 days, along with case management, behavioral health services, childcare, amenities, and other supportive services, including round the clock security staff. Also provides transitional services and community-based case management paired with housing supports, as available.
    • 100 South Broad Street, Suite 1341 Philadelphia, PA 19110
    • (215) 386-1280
  • Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR)
    • Provides free services to children and adults who have experienced sexual violence. Specially trained Hotline crisis counselors provide support, answer questions, and can provide referral guidance to the right services. Crisis advocates provide medical accompaniment, explain the reporting process, provide information about the criminal justice system, and connect victim/survivors to WOAR services and outside services as needed. Gender and disability inclusive.
    • 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Mon. – Fri.
    • 1617 John F Kennedy Blvd., Suite 800, Philadelphia PA 19103
    • (215) 985-3333 (24/7, call or text)


Please note, people answering these calls may be mandatory reporters, and required to make a report to CPS or law enforcement in certain situations. Learn about local mandatory reporter laws here.

  • Covenant House
    • Crisis shelter for youth up to age 21, 24/7 phone and walk-in services. Youth with one child accepted (resource will inform DHS if accompanied by own child.) Basic medical needs and other necessities provided on-site. Christian-affiliated. LGBTQ+ affirming.
    • (215) 951-5411 (24/7)
  • The Attic Youth Center
    • Creates opportunities for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth to develop into healthy, independent, civic-minded adults within a safe and supportive community, and promotes the acceptance of LGBTQ youth in society. Offers comprehensive risk counseling, HIV prevention, support groups, and case management for medical, legal and emergency services.
    • 3 p.m. – 6 p.m., Mon., Wed. & Fri. (Limited due to COVID)
    • 255 South 16th Street Philadelphia, PA 19102
    • (215) 545-4331
  • Valley Youth House
    • Operates emergency shelters for youth ages 6 – 20 in Bucks and Lehigh Counties. Through their Synergy Project outreach program, assist youth up to age 21 in Bucks, Dauphin, Allentown and Philadelphia Counties, offering survival supplies (food, clothes, hygienic products, sleeping bags, tents, tarps, etc.), peer support, informal counseling (individual, family, or group), information and referral services and assistance to get off the streets, if desired. Semi-supervised housing for homeless and foster single or parenting youth age 16-24. Shelter may require parental consent but can refer youth to proper channels if cannot provide direct assistance.
    • Office/Philadelphia Housing: (215) 925-3180
    • Shelters (24/7):
      • Lehigh Valley: (610) 691-1200 (age 12-17)
      • Bucks County – (215) 442-9760 (age 6-20)
    • Synergy Project:
      • Allentown: (484) 866-5556
      • Bucks: (215) 990-3962
      • Dauphin: (717) 963-7565
      • Philadelphia: 1 (888) 468-7315
  • Youth Emergency Service (YES)
    • Offers immediate housing and respite to youth age 12-17 facing housing insecurity or who are unable to safely live with family. Provides a safe, supportive environment, on-site medical care, education support, youth-centered activities, links to resources and support to continue in school or get reconnected.
    • 1526 Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19130


  • Center for Advocacy for the Rights & Interests of the Elderly (CARIE)
    • Operates a free telephone and online, one-on-one service that assists older adults and their caregivers identify and access needed services and supports. Advocates offer options counseling, information, advocacy and education to help elders and caregivers identify and access resources on any issue an elder may be facing, including health insurance coverage, housing, health resources, nutritional support, long term care services, housing, transportation, abuse and neglect, financial exploitation and many more. Provides special assistance to victims of crime and elder abuse through its Providing Advocacy for Victimized Elders (PAVE) program. Victim Advocates accompany elder crime victims through the criminal justice process and help them apply for victim compensation. In addition, the CARIE LINE also coordinates an Elderly Victims Emergency Security Fund (EVESF) which re-secures homes and prevents further victimization of low-income older Philadelphians by replacing or repairing door and window locks, replacing doors and windows or installing security bars on windows.
    • 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Mon. – Fri.
    • (215) 545-5728 or 1 (800) 356-3606


  • Anti-Violence Partnership of Pennsylvania
    • Provides services through West/Southwest Victim Services (WSW) program to victims of crime in Philly’s 12th, 16th, 18th and 19th police districts. Services include emotional support, court accompaniment, assistance with navigating court and criminal procedures, Assistance in obtaining protection orders, and referrals to other agencies for additional services such as emergency food, shelter, home repairs, etc. Also hosts FMV, a victim advocacy and services program specifically for family members and friends of a homicide victim, regardless of the status of the case. FMV runs through the District Attorney’s office.
    • (215) 567-6776
    • FMV: (215) 686-8033


  • Prevention Point Philadelphia
    • Offers clean syringe distribution and exchange, Monday, Tuesday and Friday from the main office and throughout the week at mobile sites. The John Paul Hammond Drop-In Center provides participants with a safe place to find shelter from the street and become linked to social and medical services.* Provides HIV and HCV testing and linkage to care.
    • 2913 Kensington Ave., Prevention Point.
    • Syringe packs available Mon., Tue., & Fri., 12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
    • (215) 634-5272
    • *Drop-in center services suspended due to COVID-19.

Please consider using these alternatives to calling the Philadelphia Police Department or 911 when faced with a situation that calls for de-escalation and/or intervention.

We have tried to indicate where police or law enforcement may work with the alternative resources listed; please let us know if you have any concerns about these resources.

Reimagine public safety. Don’t call the police.

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