Find alternatives to calling the Miami Police Department.

Typically, people call the police because they are experiencing or perceive an emergency and need immediate assistance. In order to provide the most effective alternatives to calling the police or 911, unless otherwise indicated, the resources included here are limited to those that offer immediate assistance through emergency or crisis services.
These resources may be obligated to call police in the case of an immediate risk of harm to the caller or another, child abuse, or abuse of a vulnerable adult. Where we know or suspect that a resource may work in cooperation with law enforcement or involve them beyond what is required by law, we acknowledge that in the listing.
These resources are not intended to cover all situations, only to provide the services described. If you are in danger of immediate harm and feel safe doing so, call 911.
- 211
- 24/7 Switchboard 211 operated helpline partially funded by The Children’s Trust, United Way of Miami-Dade County, Florida Department of Children and Families and Miami-Dade County, and staffed by Jewish Community Services and other groups. Trained staff and volunteers provide telephone counseling, crisis intervention, and information and referral to countywide programs and services.
- 211 or (305) 631-4211
- Camillus House
- Emergency housing for those at risk, direct services for people experiencing homelessness, and treatment for substance abuse and addiction. Also serves as an entry point into the countywide “continuum of care,” including employment services, mental health care, and treatment. Showers and laundry available to all.
- 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily
- (305) 374-1065
- TTY: (305) 549-3019
- Video Phone: (786) 235-8740
- City of Miami Homeless Assistance Program*
- Provides homeless individuals assistance by placement into appropriate housing and/or shelter. Provides outreach, assessment, placement, information, referral and transportation services to homeless individuals and families. Assists with placement in shelters that can assist with bus tickets (relocation) to go back home to another state. Also, employs and trains formerly homeless men and women.
- 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.
- (305) 960-4980
- *Please note this is a government program
- Chapman Partnership
- Serves as the primary intake facilities into Miami-Dade County’s Homeless Continuum of Care. Housing, planning, medical and dental care, schooling, pet care, and more. Youth dorm access a network of system of care service providers that connects them with self-determined supportive services.
- Shelter accessed through Homeless Trust helpline, 1 (877) 994-HELP (4357)
- Homeless Trust Helpline
- Entry point for network of shelter services in the Miami-Dade area.
- 1 (877) 994-HELP (4357)
- Lotus House
- Shelter and wraparound services for women, children, and families experiencing homelessness. Special services for youth age 18-24 and families with young children.
- (305) 438-0556 (Youth and DV victims)
- Others access through City of Miami Homeless Assistance Program, (305) 960-4980
- Miami Rescue Mission*
- Serves people who are unhoused or at risk. Provides emergency shelter, residential programs, job training, education & computer literacy classes, healthcare, transitional housing, permanent housing, employment opportunities for homeless men, women, and children as well as programs for “at-risk” youth. Meals at 4 p.m. every day. Showers provided on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 3:30 p.m.
- 2020 NW 1st Avenue
- (305) 571-2273
- *Please note this resource is Christian-affiliated
- Pridelines
- Central hub for services for Miami’s LGBTQ+ community. Wraparound services for homeless or at risk youth (under 24), including meals and showers. Drop-in services include computer lab, lounge, free meals. Assistance with home placement with Project SAFE. Referrals, HIV testing, support services for all community members.
- Drop-in 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- 6360 NE 4th Ct.
- (305) 571-9601
- The Alliance for GLBT Youth
- Coordinates a full range of quality services through partnerships with many Miami-Dade County service organizations. We serve youth, families and their communities while advocating for equal rights and status of all youth regardless of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity/ expression. Free services include counseling, family intervention, guidance, and referrals.
- (305) 899-8087 or 1 (866) 634-8087
Mental Health
- Banyan Health Systems – Mobile Crisis Response Team
- 24-Hour Crisis Hotline and medical unit connecting residents of Miami-Dade county experiencing a crisis with with licensed clinicians. Mobile intervention, triage assessment, crisis evaluation, de-escalation, and assistance with building a safety plan.
- (305) 774-3616 or (305) 774-3617
- New Horizons Community Center
- Offers a wide range of preventive, therapeutic and supportive outpatient and social/rehabilitative services, which include: comprehensive substance abuse and mental health care, case management, crisis screening and intervention, psychosocial rehabilitation, and residential services. Multilingual staff (English, Spanish, Creole, French).
- 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., working hours and walk-ins
- 1469 NW 36th Street Miami, Florida 33142
- (305) 635-7444 (24/7)
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
- Florida International University – Victim Empowerment Program
- 24-hour counselor-staffed empowerment service center for students who have been the victim of a crime. After-hours direct crisis services include on-site response, accompaniment to Rape Treatment Center, assistance accessing safe shelter for domestic violence and help with basic needs.
- (305) 348-2277 (24/7)
- Roxcy Bolton Rape Treatment Center
- A non-profit, hospital-based sexual assault crisis center located on the campus of Jackson Memorial Hospital. The center is staffed with Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE-trained), who provide comprehensive, quality medical treatment. The center’s victim advocates are available to provide support and crisis intervention, and short-term counseling services are offered by licensed clinicians.
- (305) 585-7273 (24/7 Crisis and Sexual Assault Helpline)
- TTY through Florida Relay, 1 (800) 955-8771
- Victim Response, Inc. – The Lodge
- A non-profit domestic violence center that offers refuge to survivors of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, and their dependents. Serves through advocacy including courtroom accompaniment and navigation, safety planning, crisis intervention and overall support. Provides shelter and safety planning. 24-hour Crisis Line for services.
- (305) 693-0232 (24/7 Crisis Line)
- (305) 693-1170 (General)
Please note, people answering these calls may be mandatory reporters, and required to make a report to CPS or law enforcement in certain situations. Learn about local mandatory reporter laws here.
- Florida Abuse Hotline
- 24-Hour statewide hotline to report child abuse
- 1 (800) 96-ABUSE (22873)
- Kristi House Children’s Advocacy Center
- Child advocacy center working on behalf of child-victims of child abuse or sex-trafficking. Services provided to victims and their families include psychiatric evaluation, therapy, transportation, referrals, and immediate resources including food and hygiene product.
- 1 (877) 465-3916 (24/7)
- Lotus House
- Shelter and wraparound services for women, children, and families experiencing homelessness. Special services for youth age 18-24 and families with young children.
- (305) 438-0556 (Youth and DV victims)
- Others access through City of Miami Homeless Assistance Program, (305) 960-4980
- Miami Bridge Youth and Family Services
- Emergency home serving kids ages 10 to 17. Axis point for Miami-Dade services to runaway and homeless youth. Provides a full range of services including in-shelter counseling, field trips, in-home counseling and reunification with family. Operates two youth emergency shelter facilities. Part of the Safe Place program.
- Request assistance online here
- (305) 635-8953
- Voices for Children
- Services for youth in or aging out of foster care, child victims of sex-trafficking and other dependent youth. Works with guardian ad litem to advocate for the rights of youth age 13-22. Gives children the opportunity to succeed.
- (305) 324-5678
Coming soon.
- Dade Legal Aid
- provides direct civil legal services for low-income residents of Miami-Dade County. provides life-changing and often life-saving services in the areas of Family Law, Domestic Violence, Guardianship, Child & Teen Advocacy, Human Sex Trafficking, Guardian ad Litem, Bankruptcy, Consumer, Housing, Small Claims, Immigration, Veterans, Benefits, and Disaster Relief.
- (305) 579-5733
- Florida International University – Victim Empowerment Program
- 24-hour counselor-staffed empowerment service center for students who have been the victim of a crime. After-hours direct crisis services include on-site response, accompaniment to Rape Treatment Center, assistance accessing safe shelter for domestic violence and help with basic needs.
- (305) 348-2277 (24/7)
- New Horizons Community Center
- Offers a wide range of preventive, therapeutic and supportive outpatient and social/rehabilitative services, which include: comprehensive substance abuse and mental health care, case management, crisis screening and intervention, psychosocial rehabilitation, and residential services. Multilingual staff (English, Spanish, Creole, French).
- 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., working hours and walk-ins
- 1469 NW 36th Street Miami, Florida 33142
- (305) 635-7444 (24/7)
Please consider using these alternatives to calling the Miami Police Department or 911 when faced with a situation that calls for de-escalation and/or intervention.
We have tried to indicate where police or law enforcement may work with the alternative resources listed; please let us know if you have any concerns about these resources.
Reimagine public safety. Don’t call the police.