Find alternatives to calling the Kenosha Police Department.

Typically, people call the police because they are experiencing or perceive an emergency and need immediate assistance. In order to provide the most effective alternatives to calling the police or 911, unless otherwise indicated, the resources included here are limited to those that offer immediate assistance through emergency or crisis services.
These resources may be obligated to call police in the case of an immediate risk of harm to the caller or another, child abuse, or abuse of a vulnerable adult. Where we know or suspect that a resource may work in cooperation with law enforcement or involve them beyond what is required by law, we acknowledge that in the listing.
These resources are not intended to cover all situations, only to provide the services described. If you are in danger of immediate harm and feel safe doing so, call 911.
- IMPACT 2-1-1
- Referral switchboard for housing and other social services
- 211
- 1 (866) 211-3380 or (414) 773-0211
- Kenosha Human Development Services
- Offers a wide variety of assistance services for those who are currently homeless, or are facing homelessness. Works with participants to take care of the immediate situation, and then to secure the best additional services they need to address any additional needs. Can also offer information and referrals.
- 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- (262) 764-8555
- Shalom Center
- Emergency Family Shelter (EFS) which provides shelter for families and the Individuals/Single Shelter that provides shelter for single individuals. Diversion programs to prevent homelessness. Also offers food pantry, daily meal from 5-6 p.m.
- 4314 39th Avenue Kenosha, WI 53144
- (262) 658-1713 x 130 (24/7, families)
- (262) 658-1713 x 131 (24/7, individuals)
- Diverse & Resilient Anti-Violence Project
- Serves LGBTQ+ survivors of all violence: intimate partner, sexual, and hate- or community-based violence. Works directly with survivors of violence by listening, helping safety plan, and referring to inclusive shelters and programs within their communities in Wisconsin. This is facilitated through our statewide LGBTQ Anti-Violence Resource Line
- (414) 856-LGBT (5428) (calls returned within 24 hours)
Mental Health
- Kenosha Human Development Services
- Community services organization that offers broad crisis intervention services by phone and in-person 24 hours a day. Crisis services for mental health, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, family disputes, or anyone who needs support. Can admit to on-site long-term treatment KARE facility if needed.
- 1202 60th Street, Kenosha, WI 53140
- (262) 764-8555 (Office, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
- (262) 657-7188 or 1 (800) 236-7188 (24/7)
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
- American Indians Against Abuse Inc.
- Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalition that provides training/education and technical assistance to the 11 federally recognized WI Tribes, including the Bad River, Red Cliff, Lac Courte Oreilles, Lac de Flambeau, Sokaogon and St. Croix Chippewa, Ho-Chunk Nation, Menominee Nation, Oneida Nation, Forest County Potawatomi and Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nations.
- (715) 634-9980
- Deaf Unity
- Serves all Deaf victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and other forms of violence, in Wisconsin. Crisis intervention, advocacy, safety planning, shelter, information and referral. Services are free and confidential.
- (608) 466-2881 (Text hotline, not 24-hours)
- (Email hotline)
- Women and Children’s Horizons
- Services, including emergency shelter, for victims of domestic and sexual violence and their families. Victims and their children are able to stay in the shelter for 30 days. Hot meals provided. All victims/survivors, both male and female, can access free, confidential sexual assault services whether the assault took place recently, years ago, or during childhood. Shelter location is confidential; walk-in services available at administrative office between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. (this is a limited schedule due to COVID-19)
- Admin office: 2525 63rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143
- (262) 656-3500 (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
- (262) 652-9900 or 1 (800) 853-3503 (24/7)
Please note, people answering these calls may be mandatory reporters, and required to make a report to CPS or law enforcement in certain situations. Learn about local mandatory reporter laws here.
- Kenosha Human Development Services
- Community services organization that offers broad crisis intervention services by phone and in-person 24 hours a day, offering crisis services for runaway youth and juveniles who experience or witness domestic violence.
- 1202 60th Street, Kenosha, WI 53140
- (262) 764-8555 (Office, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
- (262) 657-7188 or 1 (800) 236-7188 (24/7)
- Safe Haven of Racine
- Emergency shelter and crisis intervention services for youth age 10 – 17 who have runaway, are homeless, or abused, and other troubled youth. Provides outreach to youth and the community, direct individual 24 hour intake and assessment; temporary shelter for up to 14 days; food and clothing; and counseling. Also provides transition services for homeless youth aging into adulthood.
- 1030 Washington Ave, Racine, WI 53403
- (262) 637-9559 (24/7, wait through options to reach hotline)
Coming soon.
- Legal Action Wisconsin
- Free legal services to low-income people. Priority practice areas and special projects include: benefits and health programs, family law, housing, drivers license assistance, criminal records & employment, elder abuse, assistance to migrant farmworkers, social security, re-entry, and protecting the rights of sexual assault victims.
- (855) 947-2529
- Kenosha Human Development Services
- Community services organization that offers broad crisis intervention services by phone and in-person 24 hours a day. Crisis services for mental health, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, family disputes, or anyone who needs support. Can admit to on-site long-term treatment KARE facility if needed.
- 1202 60th Street, Kenosha, WI 53140
- (262) 764-8555 (Office, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
- (262) 657-7188 or 1 (800) 236-7188 (24/7)
Please consider using these alternatives to calling the Kenosha Police Department or 911 when faced with a situation that calls for de-escalation and/or intervention.
We have tried to indicate where police or law enforcement may work with the alternative resources listed; please let us know if you have any concerns about these resources.
Reimagine public safety. Don’t call the police.