
Detroit, MI

Find alternatives to calling the Detroit Police Department.

Typically, people call the police because they are experiencing or perceive an emergency and need immediate assistance. In order to provide the most effective alternatives to calling the police or 911, unless otherwise indicated, the resources included here are limited to those that offer immediate assistance through emergency or crisis services.

These resources may be obligated to call police in the case of an immediate risk of harm to the caller or another, child abuse, or abuse of a vulnerable adult. Where we know or suspect that a resource may work in cooperation with law enforcement or involve them beyond what is required by law, we acknowledge that in the listing.

These resources are not intended to cover all situations, only to provide the services described. If you are in danger of immediate harm and feel safe doing so, call 911.


  • Hope Warming Pontiac
    • 24/7 low-barrier emergency shelter – no ID required. LGBTQ+ friendly.
    • 249 Baldwin Avenue, Pontiac, MI 48342
    • (248) 499-7345


  • Equality Michigan – Department of Victim Services
    • Provides dedicated survivor-centered services to LGBTQ, SGL, and individuals living with HIV who have experienced violence, discrimination, and harassment. EQMI DVS works to increase self-determination, safety, and power for people who have been harmed.
    • 1 (866) 962-1147 ext. 114
  • LGBT Detroit
    • LGBT Detroit provides individual and phone crisis intervention counseling and community advocacy for LGBTQ survivors of sexual assault, partner abuse, hate crimes, and human trafficking. This empowerment-based service allows survivors to regain control and lead counseling conversations. Incorporating the dynamic and unique needs of LGBTQ survivors, counseling and community advocacy are met in the survivor designated time-frame.
    • (313) 397-2127 x 101
  • Transgender Michigan
    • Provides advocacy, support and education while serving to create coalitions in the state of Michigan to unify and empower transgender and gender non-conformist communities.
    • (855) 345-TGMI (Help line)

Mental Health

  • C.O.P.E.
    • For adult residents of Wayne County.
    • The C.O.P.E. team will complete a face-to-face assessment within 2-hours of a request to coordinate care management, provide transportation and intensive follow-up for 28 days following the crisis event to improve outpatient clinic service engagement and community integration. The Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) is the base of operations that provides 24-hour walk-in crisis screening, medication, emergency clothing, meals, showers, mobile telephones, transportation, coordination of care with community providers, and a time-limited, safe and monitored location for persons awaiting access to community services.
    • (844) 296-COPE (2673) (24/7 crisis hotline)
  • Common Ground
    • Common Ground is a nonprofit crisis intervention agency whose mission is to provide a lifeline for individuals and families in crisis, victims of crime, persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with critical situations and runaway and homeless youth.
    •  1 (800) 231-1127 (24/7 Hotline)
    • Chat available through website

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

  • FirstStep
    • Per their website, First Step is the only non-profit agency in Wayne County providing comprehensive services for victims of domestic and sexual violence. Specially trained First Step staff and volunteers provide crisis intervention, support, information, and safety planning to survivors who call the 24-hour help line.
    • (734) 722-6800 (24-Hour Helpline)
  • Haven
    • Oakland County’s only 24-hour emergency shelter exclusively for domestic violence and sexual assault victims and their children. Serves Oakland County and the surrounding areas. Also provides counseling, court advocacy, and assistance obtaining an order of protection. LGBTQ+ affirming.
    • (248) 334-1274 or (877) 922-1274 (24-Hour crisis support)
    • TTY: (248) 972-2540


Please note, people answering these calls may be mandatory reporters, and required to make a report to CPS or law enforcement in certain situations. Learn about local mandatory reporter laws here.

  • Common Ground
    • Common Ground is a nonprofit crisis intervention agency whose mission is to provide a lifeline for individuals and families in crisis, victims of crime, persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with critical situations and runaway and homeless youth.
    •  1 (800) 231-1127 (24/7 Hotline)
    • Chat available through website


  • Area Agency on Aging
    • Free, non-profit service, providing crisis response and guidance on issues related to Senior housing, transportation, meal access, caregiving, and neglect or abuse. Affirming for LGBT Seniors.


  • Common Ground
    • Common Ground is a nonprofit crisis intervention agency whose mission is to provide a lifeline for individuals and families in crisis, victims of crime, persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with critical situations and runaway and homeless youth.
    •  1 (800) 231-1127 (24/7 Hotline)
    • Chat available through website


  • Team Wellness*

Please consider using these alternatives to calling the Detroit Police Department or 911 when faced with a situation that calls for de-escalation and/or intervention.

We have tried to indicate where police or law enforcement may work with the alternative resources listed; please let us know if you have any concerns about these resources.

Reimagine public safety. Don’t call the police.

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