Find alternatives to calling the Baltimore Police Department.

Typically, people call the police because they are experiencing or perceive an emergency and need immediate assistance. In order to provide the most effective alternatives to calling the police or 911, unless otherwise indicated, the resources included here are limited to those that offer immediate assistance through emergency or crisis services.
These resources may be obligated to call police in the case of an immediate risk of harm to the caller or another, child abuse, or abuse of a vulnerable adult. Where we know or suspect that a resource may work in cooperation with law enforcement or involve them beyond what is required by law, we acknowledge that in the listing.
These resources are not intended to cover all situations, only to provide the services described. If you are in danger of immediate harm and feel safe doing so, call 911.
- Baltimore Outreach Services
- Provides comprehensive services and programs to homeless women and their children. Services include emergency shelter, supportive housing, educational programming, health and mental health services, job training and employment counseling. Medical, educational, and day care youth services.
- (410) 752-1285 (24/7, shelter)
- (410) 752-7179 (Office)
- Maryland Helpline
- Available 24 hours/7 days a week to callers in need of community referrals including emergency shelters and food access.
- Call 211 and select option 1, call (410) 685-0525, text your zip code 898-211, or visit
- Weinberg Housing & Resource Center
- A low barrier emergency shelter that provides homeless services to over 275 adult men and women each night in the City of Baltimore. Services include shelter, convalescent care, breakfast and dinner, showers, laundry, case management and a variety of life skills and empowerment classes – with a focused goal of assisting residents in obtaining permanent housing.
- (667) 600-3230
- *Temporarily closed due to COVID-19
- Baltimore Safe Haven
- Provides opportunities for a higher quality of life for TLGBQ people in Baltimore City living in survival mode. Drop-in center provides free food, clothing, showers, clean needles, and a supportive space. Can provide narcan – if this is needed after drop-in hours, just knock. Continuing to expand their services.
- Drop-in 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- 2468 Greenmount Ave., Baltimore, MD 21218
- (443) 869-6867
- Chase Brexton LGBT Health Resource Center
- Offers specialized behavioral health services, LGBT-focused support groups, and education and training for organizations seeking greater LGBT competency. GenderJOY program provides expert health care services for transgender and gender diverse children and adolescents, and their families. ElderPride program offers education, resources, and groups for LGBT elders and their informal caregiving networks.
- 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
- 1111 N. Charles St., Baltimore MD, 5th Floor
- (410) 837-2050 x 1049
- Hearts & Ears, Inc.
- A non-profit organization for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning, and Gender Non-Conforming individuals with behavioral health issues and concerns. Wellness and recovery center holds weekly support groups which address addictions, mental health and general concerns. Operates a warmline during business hours for advice and referrals. Groups are confidential. Services for 18+.
- 12 p.m. – 5 p.m., Wed. – Sat.
- (410) 523-1694
- Pride Center of Maryland
- Provides services and support for Maryland’s LGBTQ+ community. Services include free and confidential case management in the areas of housing, mental health, health care, and employment; HIV and STI testing; clothing donations; and community groups for men, women, elders, and gender non-conforming and transgender people.
- 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Tues. – Fri.
- 2530 N. Charles St., 3rd Floor, Baltimore, MD 21218
- (410) 777-8145
Mental Health
- Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc.
- 24-hour hotline providing mental health support and referrals. Crisis intervention available, mobile intervention teams do not include law enforcement but if crisis is reported mental-health trained police officers may be sent to do a wellness check.
- (410) 433-5175 (24/7)
- MD Relay dial 711
- Baltimore County Crisis Response System – 24-hour crisis hotline
- County service providing 24/7 hotline services and crisis response. Police will be involved if person is homicidal or actively violent. Mobile Crisis Team pairs a mental health clinician with a police officer to provide emergency police response to persons in need of crisis intervention.
- (410) 931-2214
- Hatzalah Baltimore
- Non-profit EMT and ambulance service providing immediate emergency care in response to calls for medical assistance, including cardiac, obstetric, diabetic, traumatic, or neurological emergencies. Coverage area includes from Slade Avenue to Northern Parkway and Reisterstown Road to Pimlico Road. All responders are licensed or certified by the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMSS).
- (410) 358-0000 (24/7)
- Maryland’s Helpline
- Maryland’s Helpline is available 24 hours/7 days a week to callers in need of crisis intervention, risk assessment for suicide, homicide or overdose prevention, support, guidance, and information or linkage to community behavioral health providers.
- Call 211 and select option 1 or call (410) 685-0525, text your zip code 898-211
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
- Offers a Jewish response to the needs of people who experience abuse in Northwest Baltimore City and County. Provides crisis intervention, education and consultation, and advocates for community awareness, safety and healing. Safety planning, supportive counseling, legal information, consultation, and resource referral.
- 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., Mon. – Thurs.; 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Fri.; 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Sun.
- (410) 234-0030
- Family Crisis Center of Baltimore County, Inc.
- Provides safe shelter for individuals and family members who must leave their homes in order to prevent family violence from occurring. Counseling, victim advocacy in seeking legal solutions or support in court, case management, and other support and resources are available.
- (410) 828-6390 (24/7 crisis)
- (410) 285-7496 (24/7 shelter)
- (410) 285-4357 (office)
- HopeWorks Howard County
- Offers assistance and referral services to victims of domestic violence, stalking & sexual assault 24/7. Can provide emergency shelter, hospital accompaniment, legal advocacy, and more. Direct assistance only for within Howard County – can refer to services for those outside Howard County.
- (410) 997-2272 (24/7)
- House of Ruth
- Helps battered women and their children find safety and security. Provides Service Coordinators who work with clients to integrate all services needed including: Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Legal Representation and Counseling. Children & Youth Services are also available which include a Child Therapist and referrals when more intensive treatments are required.
- (410) 889-RUTH (7884) (24/7)
- TurnAround Inc.
- Emergency and ongoing services for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence and human trafficking. Trauma-informed counseling, including crisis support, emergency, transitional, and long-term shelter, case management, and advocacy. Anti-Trafficking Program offers clients Drop-In services 5 days a week.
- 1800 N. Charles Street, Suite 404, Baltimore, MD 21201
- (443) 279-0379 (24/7)
- (410) 837-7000 (Baltimore office, drop-in center)
- (410) 377-8111 (Main office, Towson)
Please note, people answering these calls may be mandatory reporters, and required to make a report to CPS or law enforcement in certain situations. Learn about local mandatory reporter laws here.
- Maryland Youth Crisis Hotline
- A suicide prevention and crisis hotline designed to meet the needs of troubled young persons and youth in crisis: suicide, depression, relationships, family problems, abuse, stress. 24 hour counseling service. Trained counselors will talk with callers and direct them to appropriate resources.
- 1 (800) 422-0009 (24/7)
- TDD: (410) 531-5086
- STAR TRACK Adolescent Health Program
- Provides inclusive and affirming, youth-centered health care to youth and young adults. age 12 – 26. Strength-based, sex-positive care including HIV/AIDs care, reproductive care, family planning, and general medicine. Can provide condoms, PrEP navigation assistance, and referrals. Most services are free.
- 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Mon. – Fri.
- (410) 706-6000
- YES Drop-in Center
- A safe space for youth who are homeless and between the ages of 14-25, to get basic needs met and establish supportive relationships. Provides food, clothing, mail and internet access, as well as assistance with rapid rehousing, case management, assistance navigating legal systems, and support.
- 2 p.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Thursday, by appointment Friday
- (410) 235-7744
- Answers for the Aging
- A free telephone-based information and referral service for questions about services for older adults, their families, friends and caregivers. Provides free information, referrals, and options to older adults and caregivers in an effort to help them make informed decisions about senior life issues.
- 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday
- (667) 600-2100 or toll free 1 (888) 502-7587 (Maryland Only)
- Chase Brexton LGBT Health Resource Center
- Offers specialized behavioral health services, LGBT-focused support groups, and education and training for organizations seeking greater LGBT competency. ElderPride program offers education, resources, and groups for LGBT elders and their informal caregiving networks.
- 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
- 1111 N. Charles St., Baltimore MD, 5th Floor
- (410) 837-2050 x 1049
- Maryland Access Point (MAP)
- Serves as the entry point for obtaining information, referrals and options counseling for seniors, adults with disabilities, their families, caregivers and professionals. Calls are answered by a team of Certified Information and Assistance Specialists.
- Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- (410) 887-2594
- Baltimore Community Mediation Center
- Provides free mediation services and teaches conflict resolution skills in neighborhoods, families, schools, business, and all across Baltimore. Assists people to work collaboratively to resolve conflict.
- (410) 467-9165
- Maryland Legal Aid
- Provides a full range of free civil legal services to low-income people statewide, in Baltimore City and in Maryland’s 23 counties, from 12 office locations. Experience representing children, victims of abuse and domestic violence, seniors, migrant farmworkers, veterans, and nursing home and assisted living residents.
- 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
- Walk-in intakes 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Mon., Wed., Fri.
- 500 E. Lexington St., Baltimore
- Local Phone Number: (410) 951-7777 or (800) 999-8904
- Telephone Intake: (410) 951-7750 or (866) 635-2948
- Phone intake hours: 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. (M, Th, F), 1 p.m. (W), or 7 p.m. (T)
- Restorative Response Baltimore
- Hosts voluntary circle conferencing dispute resolution processes that includes everyone involved in and affected by an incident, crime, or conflict, and their respective support networks. Works to address court diversion, re-entry, interpersonal conflict, and more. Trains on and implements restorative practices in schools.
- (410) 889-7400
- Baltimore AA
- Provides support for people struggling with alcohol in the Baltimore area.
- (410) 663-1922 (24/7)
- Tuerk House
- Treatment for people suffering from addiction or dependency. Crisis Center provides individuals who are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol and in a state of compromised health with a safe place to detox and receive short-term medical care and social services. The Center includes an Opioid Crisis Unit specifically designed to provide respite care for those under the influence of opioids. All services are free and available 24/7.
- 730 Ashburton Street, Baltimore, MD 21216
- (410) 233-0684 (24/7)
Please consider using these alternatives to calling the Baltimore Police Department or 911 when faced with a situation that calls for de-escalation and/or intervention.
We have tried to indicate where police or law enforcement may work with the alternative resources listed; please let us know if you have any concerns about these resources.
Reimagine public safety. Don’t call the police.