
Augusta, ME

Find alternatives to calling the Augusta Police Department.

Don't Call The Police logo, a database of alternatives to the police

Typically, people call the police because they are experiencing or perceive an emergency and need immediate assistance. In order to provide the most effective alternatives to calling the police or 911, unless otherwise indicated, the resources included here are limited to those that offer immediate assistance through emergency or crisis services.

These resources may be obligated to call police in the case of an immediate risk of harm to the caller or another, child abuse, or abuse of a vulnerable adult. Where we know or suspect that a resource may work in cooperation with law enforcement or involve them beyond what is required by law, we acknowledge that in the listing.

These resources are not intended to cover all situations, only to provide the services described. If you are in danger of immediate harm and feel safe doing so, call 911.


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Mental Health

  • Crisis & Counseling Centers
    • the sole provider of crisis services to residents of Kennebec and Somerset counties. Services are provided by a team of professionally trained staff able to assist individuals at any time of the day or night. People may seek crisis services for a variety of issues, including when they are facing thoughts of suicide, out-of-control use of substances, or thoughts of hurting someone else. Provides mobile and in-house crisis services through the Maine Crisis Line. 24-hour walk-in services.
    • 10 Caldwell Road, Augusta
    • 1 (888) 568-1112 (24/7 crisis)
  • Maine Crisis Line
    • The single point of entry to Maine’s Behavioral Health Crisis Services System. Works with callers – individuals, families, youth, elderly, veterans– to develop a strengths-based plan that focuses on the stabilization of the individual and/or family member. If the caller requires a face-to-face crisis assessment, call specialists warm transfer the caller to the appropriate District Mobile Crisis Response Organization. Calls are free and confidential, and providing personal information is voluntary.
    • 1 (888) 568-1112 (24/7 crisis line, call or text)

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

  • Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence
    • Operates a Statewide Domestic Abuse Helpline that connects people to their local service center. LGBTQ+ friendly. Calls will be answered by an answering service who will coordinate a call back for you. If getting a call back is not possible or not safe for you, that is OK; the answering service will be able to patch you through to an advocate. Will not force any course of action.
    • 1 (866) 834-HELP (24/7)
    • Deaf or Hard of Hearing: 1 (800) 437-1220
  • Silent No More
    • Free and confidential* services for people affected by sexual violence. 24/7 helpline staffed by trained advocates assist people with advice, support, accompaniment to the hospital or to speak with law enforcement if survivor chooses, and referrals to other services. Serves Kennebec and Somerset Counties.
    • For centers in other parts of Maine visit the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault at
    • 1 (800) 871-7741 (24/7, text 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. M-F)
    • *Please note, this organization is mandated to report if a person under 18 is being abused


Please note, people answering these calls may be mandatory reporters, and required to make a report to CPS or law enforcement in certain situations. Learn about local mandatory reporter laws here.

  • Teen Text Support Line
    • Support text line is for youth 14-20 years old and staffed by individuals under 23 years of age.
    • 12 p.m. – 10 p.m. daily
    • (207) 515 – 8398


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Please consider using these alternatives to calling the Augusta Police Department or 911 when faced with a situation that calls for de-escalation and/or intervention.

We have tried to indicate where police or law enforcement may work with the alternative resources listed; please let us know if you have any concerns about these resources.

Reimagine public safety. Don’t call the police.

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